Friday, July 5, 2013

Early July on Old School Acres

Well, the hot spell is over – for now. I've been up on the roof showing it to a couple of roofer guys. (I'm hoping their estimates are really, really low.) Here's the view from the south corner toward the gym and smokestack. Our living area is under the silver metal chimney at center left.

Below, a long shot from the roof of what used to be the front lawn of the school. At top is the garden, then the first sheep pasture, the second, and at the bottom, the edge of their current buffet. The steps that kids used to climb to enter the schoolyard are at left in the shady spot. That's where the sheep escaped. (Not that I'm bitter.) The guinea pen (formerly the rabbit yard) is the wire structure with plastic on top at upper center. You can glimpse the pumphouse roof through the trees.

The garden is looking great – and we have peas! There are some edible-pod types in the freezer already, and these non-edible pod ones are just a day or two away from being ready to eat.

Below, KC the grandson working on cleaning up one of the original window frames.

And below, another job in progress, the chicken/guinea house, made from parts of an old greenhouse from the lower field (the old school ball field). It's just outside the garden gate. We'll let the birds free range through field and thicket in the afternoons and eat 'hoppers and seeds and greens.

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