Sunday, March 2, 2014

More freakin' snow

It's cold, about 15 degrees, and small dry snowflakes are falling steadily out there. It's supposed to snow all day (3-5 inches worth). Then tomorrow, it'll be 40 and raining, if the weather nerds are correct. Crazy, capricious March. On the heels of crazy, capricious February.

We got wood yesterday. It was damn cold and took a while, since most of the wood was frozen hard to the ground. I smacked logs loose with other logs. We made pizza again afterward – C. did the crust and gathered the ingredients and I assembled. Delicious. Those funnel mushrooms we gathered last year are wonderful in all kinds of dishes.

Got a hankering for zucchini bread this morning, and found some canned zook in the pantry, and some dried, as well. I made four loaves, but it's not wonderful. Not much zucchini flavor (the pecans are good, though). Have to freeze more squash next summer as frozen makes better bread.

C. is cleaning the bunny room. The little guys are getting huge, nearly half the size of their ma. And soft... Papa Smokey is still on antibiotics and in our bathroom. He seems fine. It's good having him here – I chat with him, scratch between his ears and feed him goodies. He's friendly and appealing. We'll put him back with the others in a week or two.

Two eggs.

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