Saturday, February 2, 2013

Making a start

We drove up to the school Saturday with DD and SIL to begin to make the place livable. The young folks worked on cleaning up broken glass and putting plastic over the two busted windows in the classroom that will someday be my studio. Woohooo!

I forgot the ladder, so brave SIL made do with the window sill and some support from M. The room really warmed up with the cold sealed out, and we'll work on getting replacement windows - preferably steel-framed like the originals.

That's Jeep supervising from his warm corner. And C wields the vacuum, below. So at the end of the day we had windows plasticized, a classroom cleaned up, the pipes in the crawlspace scrutinized (all nicely heat-taped), the electrical tested and the pump poked at. We close up and head home. I'm tired from clumping to and from the pump house in the snow.

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