Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It's here!

The weather has been beautiful – 56 degrees yesterday – and the snow is on the run. It's spring!

I parked myself in front of the south wall with a cup of tea and just basked in the glory that is the sun. Beautiful.

Then I rushed over and cut up a bunch of old fenceposts into firewood with the reciprocating saw, and hauled 100 pounds of chicken food to the chicken house, and a big bag of oats and one of potting soil into the house. And swept the porch (but not very well, because, despite the giddy excitement of the season, I'm still a slob).

Spring is good. I feel like doing something! which is quite a relief. I thought I might just sit in the recliner and brood forever. And watch bad television. And glower out the window at the damn snow.

Spring is here! I've just ordered a bunch of drip irrigation gear because, this year, we are going to have an irrigation system in the garden. Jump back – it's a giddy woman with a credit card!

Life is good.


  1. Things are on the up here in France too.....still not sorted out all things related to growing veg, but at least I did run the hand mower over the patch of grass outside the front door, and I did start cutting back the hedge which is blocking the view of oncoming traffic. Then I got all out of puff and had to sit down for a while!

  2. Hope you don't get the snow we are expecting in the next few days. We've already had more snow in March in our recorded history and 6-8 more inches expected tomorrow! Soooooooooo sick of it. You are definitely sounding more chipper! Hope everything goes according to plan in your garden.
